Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre Vision - Have your say

Closed 28 May 2024

Opened 26 Apr 2024


Leamington Transformation Board (consisting of Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council and Royal Leamington Spa Town Council) with our consultants, LDA Design, and a Core Advisory Group of key stakeholders, have been working together on a new vision for Leamington town centre.  

Royal Leamington Spa possess one of the finest town centres anywhere in England. The starting point for any future vision is that we want this to be recognised and celebrated not just by those living and working in the town but also by the world outside.

Its physical form, its streets, squares and parks and many of its best buildings and street facades have remained largely intact over more than two centuries. Over this time, the town has seen many peaks and troughs, periods when it has thrived and boomed and other times when it has hasn’t. The important lesson to take from this is that the physical form of the town has proved it possess a remarkable resilience and an ability to withstand enormous social, environmental and technological change.  We believe it will continue to do so in the future as long as we recognise and cherish its fundamental qualities.

Photo of Leamington Town Centre - Outside Royal Priors shopping centre with pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists

The draft emerging vision is: 
The People’s Spa – a vision for Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre 2024-2034 

The People’s Spa stands for: 

Healthy People: Improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Leamington and everyone who visits and works in the town. 

Healthy Place: Ensuring that Leamington, remains one of England’s finest town centres long into the future. 

Healthy Planet: Making sure that Leamington is always looking after the Planet.   

Why your views matter 

We are keen to hear your views on the emerging vision for Leamington town centre - we want to know your ambitions for Leamington and how you think it should develop in the future.  

Why is a vision needed?  

  • Town centres and high streets everywhere in the UK have gone through a period of huge upheaval and dramatic change; 
  • We are feeling the impacts of the climate emergency, online shopping, working from home, a housing crisis, cost of living crisis, loss of nature and many other challenges; 
  • A vision was drawn up in 2018 and we need to look at it again in the light of a rapidly changing world (click on the link at the bottom of the page to read the 2018 vision); 
  • A vision is needed to guide change in the town over the next decade or more. 

Who’s prepared it?  

  • Prepared by LDA Design, experienced town centre regeneration specialists, urban designers and designers of healthy streets and public space; 
  • Prepared on behalf of Leamington Transformation Board (Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council and Royal Leamington Spa Town Council); 
  • Prepared following engagement with a Core Advisory Group of a wide range of stakeholders including the Leamington Transformation Board, local businesses and young people.

Click here to read a summary of the emerging vision

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(Click on the links at the bottom of this page for more information about the Leamington Transformation Board and LDA Design).

What we need from you 

This is your town centre and we need your views, comments and suggestions. A successful vision and a way forward relies on your support and participation. 

Please have your say by completing this short survey. This survey closes at midnight on Tuesday 28th May 2024.   

Everyone is welcome to complete the survey below. However, we also have a separate survey for young people of secondary school age. Click here for more information if you or anyone you know is interested in this.

How to take part

You can feed back in the following ways: 

  • Please complete the online survey below. 
  • If you would like a paper copy of this survey, need it in an alternative format or need help to complete it please contact us by phone on 01926 418630 or by email: 
    Paper copies of the survey are also available at Leamington Library.
  • You can send your feedback directly to Warwickshire County Council by emailing or in writing to:
    Leamington Vision Refresh, Regeneration & Place Shaping, Communities, Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL 

What happens next

This survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your thoughts. All feedback is now being considered.

Next steps

  • We will take onboard your comments and suggestions;
  • We will refine and update our vision;
  • We will publish the final full version online this summer;
  • We will embark upon developing a concept masterplan for Parade over the summer that embodies the principles and ideas of the vision;
  • We will share our concept plans for Parade and its connecting streets with you for comment in the summer.


  • District: Warwick District


  • Anyone from any background


  • Health and wellbeing
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Roads and travel
  • Policies, plans and strategies
  • Communities
  • Equality, welfare and rights
  • Local plans and guidelines
  • Economy
  • Heritage and culture
  • Engagement and surveys