Open consultations
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Boughton Leigh Infant School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit...
Closes 9 February 2025
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Dunnington CofE Primary School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit...
Closes 9 February 2025
Open engagement activities
Coventry and Warwickshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2024
Help us improve pharmacies across Coventry and Warwickshire Do you use any of the local pharmacy services in Coventry and Warwickshire? If so please help us to improve the pharmaceutical service by taking part in a survey and sharing your experiences of using them? Coventry City Council...
Closes 31 January 2025
Closed consultations and other activities
School Admission Arrangements 2026/27
Warwickshire County Council is the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools within Warwickshire. As the admission authority, Warwickshire County Council is required to...
Nuneaton Town Centre Access and Movement Engagement Survey
Warwickshire County Council is sharing proposals to improve access and movement in Nuneaton town centre. The proposals complement the work brought forward through the Transforming Nuneaton...
Consultation on the proposal to increase the capacity of Chetwynd Junior School
Warwickshire County Council is proposing to increase the capacity of Chetwynd Junior School, Nuneaton. The proposal is outlined as follows: To increase the capacity of Chetwynd...
Consultation on the proposal to increase the capacity of Whitestone Infant School
Warwickshire County Council is proposing to increase the capacity of Whitestone Infant School, Nuneaton. The proposal is outlined as follows: To increase the capacity of...
Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Services (Children and Young People)
Children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing services in Warwickshire include: Rise Service (ages 0-18yrs) including Specialist CAMHS, Primary Mental Health Teams...
Your thoughts on a Nature Recovery Strategy for Warwickshire
The Government has asked Warwickshire County Council to prepare a Warwickshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. This strategy is to be produced by taking the views from all those that benefit from or...