171 results
Drug and Alcohol Service Redesign Consultation
Why are we doing this consultation? Warwickshire wants to work closely with service users, their families and key partners within health, social care, housing, employment and the criminal justice system to develop a new Drug and Alcohol service. The new service will focus on delivering outcomes that positively impact on an individual’s health and well-being and on those of society as a whole. MoreClosed 21 July 2017 -
Stratford-upon-Avon Area Transport Strategy Consultation
Background The County Council made a commitment to produce a new transport strategy for the Stratford-upon-Avon area at the third Stratford Traffic Summit (March 2015) hosted by Nadhim Zahawi MP. The existing transport strategy for Stratford-upon-Avon and the wider District is contained within the Warwickshire Local Transport Plan 2011-26 (LTP). With traffic congestion increasing and pressure on the transport network growing there is a need to revisit the existing transport strategy... MoreClosed 23 March 2017 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue draft Integrated Risk Management Plan Consultation
Proposals within the draft IRMP 2017-20 include: Identifying further opportunities to develop collaborative working with neighbouring Fire and Rescue Service’s and West Mercia/Warwickshire police Maximising the flexibility and utility of our workforce Developing the use of emerging technology Using our capacity to improve wider community health and social care outcomes MoreClosed 9 February 2017 -
Early Years Funding Formula Consultation
In England, Ofsted-registered early years providers are able to offer free early years education and childcare for children aged 3-4 and, in some instances, aged 2. All parents can claim 15 hours per week now, and from September 2017 eligible working parents of 3- and 4-year-olds will be able to claim up to 30 hours per week. These entitlements are for 38 weeks per year. Providers are paid directly for these hours by the Local Authority. From April 2017, the hourly rates paid will... MoreClosed 3 February 2017 -
Consultation School term and holiday dates - academic year 2018/19
Introduction The Local Authority is currently responsible for setting school term and holiday dates for all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools. To date, the majority of Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Academy schools have followed the same term and holiday dates. Traditional principles used in Warwickshire A number of ‘guiding principles’ have traditionally been used to set the pattern of terms and holidays and every effort is always made to adhere to as many of the... MoreClosed 31 January 2017 -
Cyber Crime Consultation
Warwickshire County Council and key strategic partners have launched their second cyber crime survey to find out how safe people feel online and assess the impact that online crime is having around the county. The cyber crime survey is being run by the Warwickshire Observatory and asks people to share their experiences of online crime through a series of questions. Last year, there was a very high response rate to this survey, which found the following: Over half of... MoreClosed 31 January 2017 -
Long Lawford Primary School Expansion
There is currently a consultation on the proposal concerning Long Lawford Primary School, this is part of a statutory consultation process that Warwickshire County Council is managing in partnership with the Governing Body. The proposal is: To increase the capacity at Long Lawford Primary School from 2 forms of entry to 3 forms of entry from September 2017. The published admission number (PAN) will increase from 60 to 90, meaning the overall capacity of the school will eventually rise to... MoreClosed 18 October 2016 -
Warwickshire Employment Support Team (WEST) Consultation
Warwickshire Employment Support Team (WEST) is a countywide service for people with a learning disability, Autism or Asperger’s who want to find paid work. The specialist team help people find full and part-time employment by providing: expertise on disability employment and benefit issues; personal profiling and job matching; developing the skills people need for employment; and on-going support to employees and employers. MoreClosed 30 September 2016 -
Transport Policy Statement 2016/2017
Local authorities have a duty to prepare and publish an annual transport policy statement for learners of sixth form age. The statement must specify the arrangements for the provision of transport or otherwise that the authority considers necessary to facilitate the attendance of all persons of this age receiving education or training. Warwickshire’s Transport Policy Statement for 2016/17 can be found below. Further details about transport assistance for students aged 16 to 19 can... MoreClosed 28 April 2016 -
Proposed Changes to Warwickshire’s Designated Speech and Language Provision
Warwickshire Council has been carrying out consultation on proposed changes to existing Designated Speech and Language Provision (DSLP) for children with Specific Language Impairments (SLI) in six primary phase schools across the County. The consultation started on the 19th January 2016 and was due to finish on the 26th February 2016. An error in the original consultation paper entitled ‘Proposed changes to Warwickshire’s Designated Speech and Language Provision – Information... MoreClosed 22 March 2016 -
Birmingham Road, Stratford - Improvements Consultation
Warwickshire County Council is launching a public consultation to ask Stratford-upon-Avon residents their opinions on how the A3400 Birmingham Road corridor could be improved. The public consultation will launch at 5pm on Friday 22 nd January at Stratford ArtsHouse (14 Rother Street, Stratford-upon-Avon). Senior members from Warwickshire County Council and Stratford District Council will be in attendance along with Nadhim Zahawi MP. MoreClosed 7 March 2016 -
Warwickshire Minerals Plan (2017 – 2032)
Consultation under Regulation 18 Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 Following the consultation on the Minerals Core Strategy – Revised Spatial Options and a call for sites the County Council has produced a draft plan for consultation: Warwickshire Minerals Plan – Preferred Option and Policies. The new Warwickshire Minerals Plan will set out the locational strategy for where new mineral development should be located and the policies that will... MoreClosed 4 January 2016 -
Bermuda Connection – Getting West Nuneaton Moving
Getting West Nuneaton Moving: Bermuda Connection is a proposed scheme focused on tackling congestion in and around West Nuneaton by creating a direct 1.3 mile highway link between West Nuneaton and Griff Roundabout. This will require improvements being made to an existing bridge over the A444, currently unused by motor traffic, and connections from it to the adjoining highway at St George’s Way and The Bridleway. Warwickshire County Council has set up a website with all of the plans... MoreClosed 9 October 2015 -
SEND Social Care Resource Allocation System Consultation 2
Introduction Warwickshire County Council are planning to develop a local Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Social Care Resource Allocation System (RAS) and would like to hear your views on a proposed model similar model to the already in place in Adult Social Care and Support Services. The consultation process on the proposed model runs from Monday 20 April 2015 until Sunday 17 May 2015 and replaces the one held earlier in the year. This is because the responses received... MoreClosed 17 May 2015 -
Draft Learning Disability Statement of Intent (Plan) – 2015-2018 Consultation
What is the new Learning Disability Plan about? We want to improve the lives of people with a learning disability. We will do this by supporting people to be more independent, have healthier lives and have more choice and control. MoreClosed 24 April 2015 -
Special Guardianship Allowance Scheme Consultation
1. Background to this consultation The following information explains why changes are being proposed, what the proposed changes are and how you can have your say about these changes. Who are Special Guardians? Special Guardians are people, who have secured Parental Responsibility for a child or young person with a legal order. This would have been through a social worker assessment and the court process: Special Guardians could be: Grandparents Extended... MoreClosed 3 April 2015 -
Proposals for new arrangements for funding services delivered by the Third Sector and to Town and Parish Councils
Warwickshire County Council has a long standing and valued relationship with the Third Sector (Voluntary and Community Sector). The Third Sector has significant expertise in direct work with communities, and particularly with those of our residents who are vulnerable or in need. The variety and spread of the Sector across Warwickshire means that many people benefit from the work it delivers, and these local organisations are trusted and valued by the people that use them. Public Sector... MoreClosed 12 February 2015 -
Support offer for young people with special educational needs and disabilities
Warwickshire County Council Cabinet has approved plans to consult on an integrated education, health and social care Local Offer of support for the county’s children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). At its meeting on 18 August 2014, Cabinet welcomed real progress on development of Warwickshire’s Local Offer and, in agreement with Children’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Health partners and others, are asking parents to have their say. The government... MoreClosed 23 November 2014 -
New charging arrangements for selected Adult Social Care Services
Warwickshire County Council is consulting on its plans to implement new charges for a number of services to bring these in line with the council’s policy to charge for services at full cost. Warwickshire County Council is encouraging residents to have their say on the proposed changes which will; introduce charges for services previously offered at no cost, increase charges for some residential respite care, and change the way learning disability and day opportunities are charged. ... MoreClosed 29 September 2014 -
Consultation on eligibility for children’s disability services
This consultation into how the local authority will meet the support needs of disabled children and young people in Warwickshire opened on 4 June. The consultation puts forward the concept of a Local Offer for Social Care and Short Breaks which defines how individual needs are measured and how care and support can be accessed. The consultation seeks views on eligibility criteria and delivery of the redesigned social care and short breaks elements of Warwickshire County Council’s... MoreClosed 2 July 2014 -
Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council Permit Scheme
Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council are seeking views and questions from those affected and other interested parties on the introduction of a Permit Scheme. From your responses, the Councils will consider whether any changes are required to the Permit Scheme, or whether clarification of the scope or operation of the scheme is required. What is a Permit Scheme? A Permit Scheme provides a consistent way to control activities in the highway. It is essential that... MoreClosed 30 May 2014
171 results.
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