Understanding mental health and wellbeing in Coventry and Warwickshire
We are carrying out a Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) to understand the needs of the Coventry and Warwickshire adult populations. As part of this we want to hear from residents aged 16 and over and professionals about their own mental health and wellbeing.
The purpose of the JSNA is to analyse the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the local population to inform the commissioning of health, wellbeing and social care services.
Coventry and Warwickshire’s Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) are statutorily responsible for developing Health and Wellbeing Strategies based on the assessment of need outlined in JSNAs. To find out more about Coventry or Warwickshire’s Health and Wellbeing Boards or about their JSNA programmes please click on the links at the bottom of this webpage.
This survey is a chance for people to tell us about their own mental wellbeing and services they have used. This includes understanding any impact that the Covid-19 pandemic may have had. The survey can also be completed by carers of people with mental health difficulties and professionals working in the field of mental health and wellbeing.
The findings will inform the Coventry and Warwickshire Mental Health and Wellbeing JSNA which in turn will be used to inform commissioning plans, Health and Wellbeing Strategies and local transformation plans.
How to take part
- Please complete the anonymous survey below.
- If you would like a paper copy of the survey or need it in an alternative format please contact us by phone on (01926 418027) or email us at phadmin@warwickshire.gov.uk.
What happens next?
Following the engagement all survey responses will be analysed and the results incorporated into the Mental Health and Wellbeing JSNA. This will then in turn be shared with the Health and Wellbeing Boards and published on the JSNA webpages.
If you are affected by any of the content in the survey, please click on the following links for more support.
- www.warwickshire.gov.uk/mentalhealth (Warwickshire residents)
- https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/151/mental_health/826/adult_mental_health_services (Coventry residents)
Thank you for taking the time to share your views.
What happens next
This survey has now closed. Thanks you to everyone who took the time to share their views with us. All survey responses will be analysed and the results incorporated into the Mental Health and Wellbeing JSNA. This will then in turn be shared with the Health and Wellbeing Boards and published on the JSNA webpages.
- All Areas
- Service users (current or previous)
- Black and minority ethnic people
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual people, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Parents
- Adults
- Older people
- People with long term conditions
- Local residents
- Community Groups
- Social care
- Health and wellbeing
- Mental health
- Adults and older people
- Social care and support
- Public health
- Engagement and surveys
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