Easy Read (online survey) - SEND Home to School Transport Consultation

Our ideas to make SEND home to school transport better
We want to know what you think
Do you know? Children and young people with SEND can get help to get to school or college.
SEND stands for special educational needs and disabilities.
We have been talking with children, young people and their families to see what they think about the help they get with transport.
We think there are things we can change to make it easier for families to access help.
We want to know what you think about our plans.
You can tell us what you think by answering the questions in this survey.
If you would like somebody to help you to fill in this survey telephone 01926 742274.
We will also be holding meetings where you can tell us what you think. We will let you know when they will happen.
You have until Sunday 12 March 2023 to tell us what you think.
What happens next
Thank you for your feedback. We will look at all the responses.
Warwickshire County Council Cabinet will then make a decision.
If approved
- the new application process will be used for school places for September 2024;
- the NAM will be used to identify transport options for children and young people starting school in September 2023;
- and the changes to the policy will start in August 2023.
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Carers
- Parents
- Young people
- Education and learning
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