Neurodevelopmental Diagnostic Service and Support - survey for professionals working with people with neurodevelopmental traits, ASD and ADHD, and their parents/carers

Closed 12 Mar 2023

Opened 9 Feb 2023

Feedback updated 15 May 2023

We asked

The Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System focus is to address waiting times for a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment, including autism diagnosis. This includes finding ways to reduce waiting times for an assessment and improve the support available to people who are waiting for an assessment.

Two surveys were developed to seek views of people waiting for an assessment, those diagnosed with autism, and their family and support networks; as well as one for professionals; to find out more about what is working well and what could be improved in diagnostic and support provision.

The 2023 surveys were a repeat of the 2021 ones which were aimed at understanding if any change has been experienced by respondents, as a result of the new Autism Strategy implementation and increased resource targeted at reducing wait times and improving the offer of pre and post diagnostic support.

You said

204 responses were received to the public survey and 102 to the professionals one.

Responses are being analysed which will inform ongoing commissioning activity for the Autism Strategy delivery.

We did

A quantitative analysis of responses was completed. Qualitative feedback including comments made by respondents is being analysed. The responses will inform ongoing commissioning activity for the Autism Strategy delivery.


Health and local authority care services are working together for Coventry and Warwickshire to address waiting times for a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment (Autism, and/or ADHD). This includes finding ways to reduce waiting times for an assessment and improve the support available to people who are waiting for an assessment.

We want to understand whether professionals working with people with neurodevelopmental conditions are aware of the diagnostic process and have access to the right training and resources to enable them to perform their role effectively.

This survey is for professionals only.

We are also seeking the views of people awaiting a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment, as well as those of their families and carers.

What happens next

This survey has now closed. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to share their views with us. All feedback is now being considered and will inform our thinking.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Disabilities
  • Strategic commissioning
  • Older people's commissioning
  • Engagement and surveys