Your Say on Community Safety Survey 2024

Closes 4 Aug 2024

Your Say on Community Safety Survey 2024 - Privacy

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

Please read the privacy information below:

Privacy Statement

- We can assure you that the information you provide in your response will not be used to identify you in any way. Please do not leave any comments in the survey that could enable you to be identified.

- This survey uses a mapping tool to select where you live, work or study with an alternative option to provide a postcode instead. This is optional and will only be used to enable us to analyse and report results at ward level in addition to district/borough and county level as this gives a better understanding of local issues. All personal information collected for this purpose will be deleted once the analysis has been completed, and will be held for a period of no longer than nine months.

- If you work or study in Warwickshire but do not live here, please refer to the place within the county where you spend the most time when answering questions about your local area.

- The survey that you complete can only be identified by a reference number. You will be told what the reference number is when you submit your responses to the survey. Please make a note of this number in case you need to contact us. We won’t be able to find your response without it.

- If you want to save your answers to come back to later, we will ask for your email address so that we can send you a link. You will only need to give an email address if you want to save your answers or see a copy of your response. This email address will not be collected by Warwickshire County Council as part of the survey response.

- Information captured within this Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board survey will be handled by Business Intelligence within Warwickshire County Council. The results of the analysis will be shared with the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board (which includes members from local Councils, Fire and Rescue, Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, Probation Service, Health and charitable organisations). No personal data will be shared with partner agencies.

Please read the following privacy notice for more information:  

ASK Warwickshire Privacy Notice 

I have read and understood the above Community Safety Survey Privacy Statement and the Ask Warwickshire Privacy Notice, and consent to you collecting my responses.