Drug and Alcohol Service Redesign Consultation

Closed 21 Jul 2017

Opened 12 Jun 2017

Feedback updated 11 Jan 2018

We asked

We wanted to work closely with service users, their families and key partners within health, social care, housing, employment and the criminal justice system to develop a new Drug and Alcohol service. 

A 6 week consultation took place from 12th June to 21st July 2017.

We asked respondents to indicate their level of agreement with the service principles underpinning the proposed new service model. 

You said

Below are two examples of what you told us and what we did.
You can read the full Consultation and Cabinet report here.

Example 1

We asked if we should offer a range of timely and accessible information and advice to support families and carers of people with drug and alcohol issues.

You said: There is a need to provide advice and information to families and carers of people with drug and alcohol issues, and this is currently lacking.  Appropriate and timely access to support for family/friends/carers and significant others would be hugely beneficial. Access to family services should be available throughout the treatment and recovery programs.

Example 2

We asked if the Children and Young Person’s and Adult Drug and Alcohol services should deliver a joined up pathway of support for those between 1825 years.

You said: There is a need for transitional support as part of a preventative approach working to reduce long term substance misuse.  

There is a need to provide advice and information to families and carers of people with drug and alcohol issues, and this is currently lacking.  Appropriate and timely access to support for family/friends/carers and significant others would be hugely beneficial. Access to family services should be available throughout the treatment and recovery programs

We did

Example 1

We designed a service model that places family, carers and significant others in the centre of the recovery network model alongside the service user, raising awareness of addiction and how best to support recovery. This component also includes delivering services for the family who may also need their own personal support. In addition, the service model provides access to support from independent advisors (known as advocates) to help service users and family members express views and wishes, and to help ensure their voices are heard.

Example 2

We created a service model that will deliver an integrated transition pathway for young people aged from 18-25 years and work jointly with the adult service to ensure young adults receive appropriate access, support and treatment services to meet their needs.  We also met with providers to develop a clear transition pathway and protocol, as part of the provider network, for those moving across from young people’s to adult’s service, including joint care management if required. 

The proposed service model was approved on September 7th 2017.

Results updated 11 Jan 2018


Warwickshire County Council, Public Health would like to thank all stakeholders for their engagement in the Drug and Alcohol Service Redesign Consultation process.
Your views were most valued, and have helped shape the proposed new service model moving forward.
Please see the link to the Consultation Report produced following our analysis of the questionnaire and face to face engagement.



Why are we doing this consultation?

Warwickshire wants to work closely with service users, their families and key partners within health, social care, housing, employment and the criminal justice system to develop a new Drug and Alcohol service. The new service will focus on delivering outcomes that positively impact on an individual’s health and well-being and on those of society as a whole.

Why your views matter

What’s important to you about the new Drug and Alcohol Service?

Previous stakeholder consultation has contributed to the development of a set of draft overarching service principles. These principles underpin the proposed service model.

Alcohol and drug misuse are significant contributory factors towards crime and anti-social behaviour. Their relationship with victims and offenders is often complex requiring underlying issues to be addressed. It is the Police and Crime Commissioner’s intention to support the countywide partnership approach to drug and alcohol support services that focus on early intervention, reducing re-offending and sustaining recovery for both young people and adults, which should reduce the harm caused by drugs and alcohol.

The aim of this consultation is for you to tell us what you think about each of these proposed new service principles. Your views are valued and contribute greatly to how the service will be shaped.

Have your say here.

What will happen with the information that we gather?

The information/data collected by this survey will be kept strictly confidential and shared only with Warwickshire County Council staff responsible for analysis of the data and those responsible for the commissioning of the drug and alcohol services. All data will be stored securely and erased within four years.

All comments, feedback and information we receive will be used to inform how future drug and alcohol services are delivered. You will not, in any way, be identifiable in the survey analysis from your responses and any comments will be anonymous. The findings from the consultation will be presented to Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet, for their approval to commence a tender process for these services.

Please do not provide any additional correspondence to our surveys as personal information, may be disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998. If you want the information that you provide to be treated as confidential, including your contact details, please tell us why, but be aware that, under the Freedom of Information Act, we cannot always guarantee confidentiality.




What happens next

This consultation has now closed.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to give us their views.



  • Anyone from any background
  • Service users (current or previous)
  • Specialist staff


  • Health and wellbeing
  • Mental health
  • Public health