Eastlands Primary School - School Street Feedback Survey

Closed 28 Jul 2024

Opened 2 Jul 2024

Results updated 11 Sep 2024

The Eastlands Primary School - School Street Feedback Survey ran from 02/07/2024 to 28/07/2024. There were 87 responses in total from staff, parents and carers, and local residents.

We are currently analysing the answers given and will publish the report in the autumn.


Decorative - School Streets logo

Eastlands Primary School - School Street Survey

We are carrying out this survey to give local residents, parents, carers and staff an opportunity to tell us what you think about the School Street we introduced at Eastlands Primary School in November 2023.

The feedback you provide will help us determine next steps for the School Street at Eastlands Primary School and inform our plans for introducing more School Streets in Warwickshire.

Background to the scheme  

School Streets is a traffic management technique which aims to: 

  • Reduce traffic and parking pressures outside schools 
  • Encourage parents / carers and pupils to walk, wheel or cycle for all or part of their journey to and from school  
  • Make the streets outside schools safer at the start and end of the day 
  • Improve air quality and create a more pleasant environment  

The Eastlands Primary School Street Scheme 

Eastlands Primary School was chosen to be Warwickshire’s pilot School Street and it comprises: 

  • An Experimental Traffic Management Order (TRO) which prohibits any motor vehicle without a permit or valid exemption from entering or driving through Lansdowne Place on weekdays during term time between 8:15 – 9:15am and 2:30 – 3:30pm. These times are displayed on signs at the entrance to Lansdowne Place. 
  • Encouraging the use of park and stride locations within a short walk from the school. These are at the GEC Recreation Ground and Whinfield Park. This enables parents and carers who need to drive to find a suitable place to park.  
  • Information and support to explain the School Street and encourage parents / carers and pupils to walk, wheel or cycle to school or use the park and stride Car Parks.  

White line road markings will be placed across driveways on Portland Place to remind drivers they should not park in front of dropped kerbs. We expect this will be done during the summer.   

This survey will close on 28/07/2024 

How to have your say

Where possible please provide feedback using the online survey link below. 

You can also feedback directly by emails schoolstreets@warwickshire.gov.uk or in writing to: School Streets Survey, Transport Planning Unit, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL

If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the online survey or require a copy in an alternative format or different language, please contact us by email,  activetravel@warwickshire.gov.uk or telephone 01926 410410 and ask for the consultations line.

What happens next

Once the survey closes Warwickshire County Council will review and consider all of the feedback received and a summary will be added to this page.  



  • District: Rugby Borough


  • Anyone from any background
  • Black and minority ethnic people
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual people, Transgender people (LGBT)
  • Carers
  • Parents
  • All ages
  • Young people
  • Adults
  • Older people
  • People with disabilities
  • People with long term conditions
  • Local residents
  • Teachers
  • Employees


  • Schools and learning
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Roads and travel
  • Children and families
  • Transport and economy
  • Education and learning