Open engagement activities
Warwickshire’s Domestic Abuse Specialist Counselling and Therapy Service
Domestic abuse has devastating impacts for the victim-survivor, that can negatively affect physical, mental, emotional, sexual and reproductive health. It can have long lasting and detrimental impacts on children within households where abuse is taking place. As a result, it is vitally important...
Closes 3 April 2025
Closed consultations and other activities
Dementia Information and Advice Service - Engagement Survey
Help us improve the dementia information and advice offer in Warwickshire Warwickshire County Council currently buys an information and advice service from an external provider who...
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Glendale Infant School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) across the county...
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Nursery Hill Primary School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) across the county...
Restorative Learning Audits - LADO
Restorative learning audits play a key role in assuring the quality of practice and supporting improvements and provide evidence of People Directorate outcomes for adults and children, young people...
Crewe Lane: Kenilworth Golf Club Travel Survey
As part of the development of new housing on the east side of Kenilworth, a new spine road is being constructed between Glasshouse Lane at its junction with Stansfield Grove and the south end of...
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Boughton Leigh Infant School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) across the county...