172 results
Coventry and Warwickshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2024
Help us improve pharmacies across Coventry and Warwickshire Do you use any of the local pharmacy services in Coventry and Warwickshire? If so please help us to improve the pharmaceutical service by taking part in a survey and sharing your experiences of using them? Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council are conducting the survey, which is officially known as the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), on behalf of the Health & Wellbeing Boards in Coventry and... MoreClosed 31 January 2025 -
School Admission Arrangements 2026/27
Warwickshire County Council is the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools within Warwickshire. As the admission authority, Warwickshire County Council is required to set the admission arrangements for its schools that clearly sets out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places. The local authority is also required to formulate and publish a scheme to coordinate... MoreClosed 19 January 2025 -
Crewe Lane: Kenilworth Golf Club Travel Survey
As part of the development of new housing on the east side of Kenilworth, a new spine road is being constructed between Glasshouse Lane at its junction with Stansfield Grove and the south end of Crewe Lane. Planning agreements are in place to enable Crewe Lane to be closed to through traffic once the spine road is opened. Although Crewe Lane will no longer be a through route, it will still provide access for Kenilworth Golf Club from east and west directions, with two-way... MoreOpened 17 January 2025 -
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Boughton Leigh Infant School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. The local authority has identified a need to expand SRP’s across the county, that offers a bridge between mainstream and... MoreOpened 13 January 2025 -
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Dunnington CofE Primary School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of Specialist Resourced Provision (SRP) across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. The local authority has identified a need to expand SRP’s across the county, that offers a bridge between mainstream and... MoreOpened 13 January 2025 -
Nuneaton Town Centre Access and Movement Engagement Survey
Warwickshire County Council is sharing proposals to improve access and movement in Nuneaton town centre. The proposals complement the work brought forward through the Transforming Nuneaton Programme to improve the town centre through redevelopment and supporting highway infrastructure. The objectives of the Nuneaton Town Centre Access and Movement Proposals are to: Make it more convenient to travel to the town centre by bus Improve connectivity for cyclists and... MoreClosed 22 December 2024 -
Consultation on the proposal to increase the capacity of Chetwynd Junior School
Warwickshire County Council is proposing to increase the capacity of Chetwynd Junior School, Nuneaton. The proposal is outlined as follows: To increase the capacity of Chetwynd Junior School by 120 pupils. This would mean Chetwynd School would move from a three form entry (3FE) junior school (360 pupils) to a four form entry (4FE) junior school (480 pupils). Further information on the proposal is contained in the consultation document below. MoreClosed 29 November 2024 -
Consultation on the proposal to increase the capacity of Whitestone Infant School
Warwickshire County Council is proposing to increase the capacity of Whitestone Infant School, Nuneaton. The proposal is outlined as follows: To increase the capacity of Whitestone Infant School by 90 pupils. This would mean Whitestone Infant School would move from a three form entry (3FE) infant school (270 pupils) to a four form entry (4FE) infant school (360 pupils). Further information on the proposal is contained in the consultation document below. MoreClosed 29 November 2024 -
Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Services (Children and Young People)
Children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing services in Warwickshire include: Rise Service (ages 0-18yrs) including Specialist CAMHS, Primary Mental Health Teams Eating Disorders, Crisis & Home Treatment, Youth Justice, and CW Mind. Mental Health Interventions for School Children (MHISC) Framework (Warwickshire school aged children). Children in Care services Children. Kooth online digital offer (ages 11-26). Mental Health Support Teams... MoreClosed 6 October 2024 -
Your thoughts on a Nature Recovery Strategy for Warwickshire
The Government has asked Warwickshire County Council to prepare a Warwickshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. This strategy is to be produced by taking the views from all those that benefit from or impact on nature. That is every business, every organisation and every resident. Through a detailed habitat mapping initiative across Warwickshire, we have identified existing valuable ecological areas and locations with potential for biodiversity enhancement. This aligns with the... MoreClosed 29 September 2024 -
Complex needs community support services - please share your views.
This survey is for customers and parent/carers who use Community Support Services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism with high support needs. Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) currently contract four Day Centres across Warwickshire that provide day services for people with a learning disability and/or autism, aged 18 years and over, who have been assessed as having high support needs under the Care Act 2014 or NHS Continuing... MoreClosed 1 September 2024 -
Community Autism Support Service Survey
The Integrated Learning Disability and Autism Commissioning Team commission Coventry and Warwickshire MIND, Act for Autism and Autism West Midlands to provide a Community Autism Support Service (CASS) for people diagnosed with autism, those waiting for a neurodevelopmental assessment, families/ carers and professionals. This service is delivered across Coventry and Warwickshire. For more information about the CASS service please visit: https://casspartnership.org.uk/ (opens in a new... MoreClosed 26 August 2024 -
Your Say on Community Safety Survey 2024
In Warwickshire, there are a range of organisations working together to keep you as safe as possible. These include local councils, Fire and Rescue, Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Probation Service, Health and charitable organisations, who work together to address and improve community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board. The Board aims to create safer communities and wants to understand current community safety issues and any concerns of... MoreClosed 4 August 2024 -
Eastlands Primary School - School Street Feedback Survey
Eastlands Primary School - School Street Survey We are carrying out this survey to give local residents, parents, carers and staff an opportunity to tell us what you think about the School Street we introduced at Eastlands Primary School in November 2023. The feedback you provide will help us determine next steps for the School Street at Eastlands Primary School and inform our plans for introducing more School Streets in Warwickshire. ... MoreClosed 28 July 2024 -
Adult and Community Learning Customer Survey
Warwickshire’s Adult and Community Learning Service is part of Warwickshire County Council and a provider of adult learning. We offer formal and informal learning programmes to adults aged 19+ across Warwickshire, in over 30 inclusive learning environments in a wide range of community venues. We want our residents to have the opportunities to realise their potential, even if they may not have had positive experiences of learning in the past. We want to enable participation and... MoreClosed 14 July 2024 -
A428 Rugby Road, Binley Woods
Rugby Road cycle route, Binley Woods Background We are developing a new cycle route on the A428 Rugby Road in Binley Woods to help people cycle safely for everyday journeys in and around the local area. The proposed scheme is part of our programme of new cycle routes to enable more people to cycle for short local journeys, helping to tackle congestion, improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions, and support physical activity. It is anticipated the scheme will be built in... MoreClosed 28 May 2024 -
Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre Vision - Have your say (Young People)
Leamington Transformation Board (consisting of Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council and Royal Leamington Spa Town Council) with our consultants, LDA Design, and a Core Advisory Group of key stakeholders, have been working together on a new vision for Leamington town centre. The draft emerging vision is: The People’s Spa – a vision for Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre 2024-2034 The People’s Spa stands for: Healthy People: ... MoreClosed 28 May 2024 -
Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre Vision - Have your say
Leamington Transformation Board (consisting of Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council and Royal Leamington Spa Town Council) with our consultants, LDA Design, and a Core Advisory Group of key stakeholders, have been working together on a new vision for Leamington town centre. Royal Leamington Spa possess one of the finest town centres anywhere in England. The starting point for any future vision is that we want this to be recognised and celebrated not just by those... MoreClosed 28 May 2024 -
Domestic Abuse and the Warwickshire Domestic Abuse Accommodation and Support Service - Residents Survey
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this. Warwickshire County Council is in the process of refreshing its Safe Accommodation Needs Assessment and Strategy for 2024-27. We are reaching out to as many Warwickshire residents as we can so that we can better understand victim-survivors' experiences of domestic abuse and of accessing support across the county. The Warwickshire Domestic Violence and Abuse Service (WDVA) is provided by Refuge. The... MoreClosed 2 May 2024 -
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Briar Hill Infant School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of specialist resourced provision across the county whereby pupils with an education, health and care plan (EHCP), who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. Warwickshire County Council is proposing to establish education provision for... MoreClosed 19 April 2024 -
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Park Hill Junior School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of specialist resourced provision across the county whereby pupils with an education, health and care plan (EHCP), who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. Warwickshire County Council is proposing to establish education provision for... MoreClosed 19 April 2024 -
Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at St Paul's CofE Primary School
In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of specialist resourced provision across the county whereby pupils with an education, health and care plan (EHCP), who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. Warwickshire County Council is proposing to establish education provision for... MoreClosed 19 April 2024 -
Warwickshire County Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Warwickshire County Council is responsible for around 1700 miles of public rights of way. These paths are both in the countryside and urban areas. They are important for enjoying and exploring, for travelling to work or school and for health and wellbeing. They are part of what makes Warwickshire a special place to live, work and enjoy. A public right of way is a path that anyone has the legal right to use. There are four types: Footpaths for walking, mobility... MoreClosed 7 April 2024 -
Consultation on the proposal to relocate and increase the capacity of Lighthorne Heath Primary School and to establish specialist resourced provision
Warwickshire County Council is proposing to relocate Lighthorne Heath Primary School to a new site, increase capacity and establish specialist resourced provision. If approved the provision would be implemented from Autumn 2025. The proposal is outlined as follows: To relocate Lighthorne Heath Primary School to a new site on a nearby housing development and increase the capacity by 329 pupils. This would mean Lighthorne Heath Primary School would move from a half... MoreClosed 22 March 2024 -
Consultation on the proposal to relocate and increase the capacity of Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School and to establish specialist resourced provision
Warwickshire County Council is proposing to relocate Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School to a new site on a nearby housing development, increase capacity and establish specialist resourced provision. If approved the provision would be implemented from Autumn 2025. The proposal is outlined as follows: To relocate Shottery St Andrew's CE Primary School to a new site on a nearby housing development and increase the capacity by 315 pupils. This would mean Shottery St... MoreClosed 22 March 2024 -
A426/A4071 Avon Mill and Hunters Lane Improvement Scheme, Rugby
Warwickshire County Council is inviting feedback on proposals for a transport scheme to improve the A426 / A4071 Newbold Road at the Avon Mill roundabout and Hunters Lane junction in Rugby. The proposed scheme is designed to reduce congestion at this key bottleneck in the road network and give people greater choice over how they travel. About the scheme The A426/A4071 Avon Mill and Hunters Lane Improvement Scheme is located to the north of Rugby town centre on the... MoreClosed 20 March 2024 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Consultation on proposed service delivery model
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS) carries out fire and rescue functions on behalf of the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Authority, Warwickshire County Council (WCC). WFRS is consulting on a proposed change to its service delivery model as part of its Re sourcing to R isk approach. Resourcing to Risk aims to have the right resource, in the right place and at the right time, to keep people safe in their homes, their workplace, their environment and when... MoreClosed 10 March 2024 -
Warwickshire County Council Recycling Centre Survey
At Warwickshire County Council we want to know what you think about our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) and the services that are offered at them. The County Council is responsible for the operation of nine recycling centres in Warwickshire (see https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/hwrc ). The centres provide householders with a place to donate and buy reusable items, recycle a wide range of materials and dispose of waste. There are questions about the reuse shops and the... MoreClosed 4 February 2024 -
Empowering Futures JSNA Survey - Supporting children and young people with their physical health
We want to hear from you if you work or volunteer with children and young people. We want to know how you feel about talking to children and young people (aged 5-18) about their physical health, your knowledge and experience of services, and what would help you support them. As well as broader public health priorities and activities, we aim for this survey to specifically inform: The Empowering Futures: Growing Up Well in Warwickshire Joint Strategic Needs... MoreClosed 31 January 2024 -
School Admission Arrangements 2025/26
Warwickshire County Council is required to operate a coordinated admissions scheme. This allows Warwickshire residents to make a single application for places at their preferred school(s) and receive a single offer of a school place, whether or not this is one of their preference schools. Warwickshire County Council is undertaking a consultation relating to our admission arrangements for the 2025/26 academic year. As required by the School Admissions Code (2021),... MoreClosed 31 January 2024
172 results.
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