Ask Warwickshire

Welcome to Ask Warwickshire, the consultation and engagement hub for Warwickshire County Council

Browse the links below to find and take part in consultations and engagement activities that interest you, or you can also search current and past activities by keyword, postcode and interest.

Featured consultations and other activities

  • Your thoughts on a Nature Recovery Strategy for Warwickshire

    The Government has asked Warwickshire County Council to prepare a Warwickshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. This strategy is to be produced by taking the views from all those that benefit from or impact on nature. That is every business, every organisation and every resident. Through a detailed habitat mapping initiative across Warwickshire, we have identified existing valuable ecological areas and locations with potential for biodiversity enhancement. This aligns with the...

    Closes 29 September 2024

  • Your Say on Community Safety Survey 2024

    In Warwickshire, there are a range of organisations working together to keep you as safe as possible. These include local councils, Fire and Rescue, Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Probation Service, Health and charitable organisations, who work together to address and improve community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board. The Board aims to create safer communities and wants to understand current community safety issues and any concerns of...

    Closed 4 August 2024

Open engagement activities

  • Complex needs community support services - please share your views.

    This survey is for customers and parent/carers who use Community Support Services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism with high support needs. Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) currently contract four Day Centres across Warwickshire that...

    Closes today

  • Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Services (Children and Young People)

    Children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing services in Warwickshire include: Rise Service (ages 0-18yrs) including Specialist CAMHS, Primary Mental Health Teams Eating Disorders, Crisis & Home Treatment, Youth Justice, and CW Mind. Mental Health Interventions...

    Closes 15 September 2024

  • Your thoughts on a Nature Recovery Strategy for Warwickshire

    The Government has asked Warwickshire County Council to prepare a Warwickshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. This strategy is to be produced by taking the views from all those that benefit from or impact on nature. That is every business, every organisation and every resident. Through...

    Closes 29 September 2024