Coventry & Warwickshire's Living Well with Dementia Strategy Engagement Survey

Closed 31 Oct 2021

Opened 21 Sep 2021

Feedback updated 20 May 2024

We asked

A six-week engagement was held to seek feedback and comments on the draft Coventry and Warwickshire's Living Well with Dementia Strategy. This took place from 21st September to 31st October 2021.

We engaged with people living with dementia, carers, volunteers, the general public and professionals across Coventry and Warwickshire.  A range of ways to give feedback was offered, including through completion of an online survey and through in-person engagement (including one to one conversations, small groups, and larger groups).

We asked people how strongly they agreed or disagreed with the vision for the strategy, and specifically about each of the six priority areas in the strategy. We also asked some additional questions including about support for carers and how easy (or not) it was to understand the strategy.

You said

85 people responded to the survey

253 people with dementia and carers took part in the in-person engagement. This included 38 people with dementia, 84 carers of people with dementia, 131 people involved in mixed groups of people with dementia and carers.

4 emails providing feedback about the strategy were received.

  • In-person engagement: The key message was that people wanted more information on what support is available and how to access it.
  • Feedback highlighted a lack of awareness of available services, with carers often learning about support through word of mouth, emphasising the importance of peer support networks.
  • Survey responses: Many people were in strong agreement or agreement with the Priority areas and objectives (for 5 of the 6 priorities, this was approximately 90% of respondents (range was 87-92%). For Priority Three – Supporting Well – 84% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the objectives.

The key themes were that:

  • There needs to be more awareness of support available for carers and people with dementia. Carers should not have to spend time finding out about services.
  • Support needs to be in place early after diagnosis, and support needs to be available evenings and weekends.
  • There needs to be greater reference to the support available to carers throughout the strategy.
  • The majority of negative comments were in relation to whether there was enough funding to achieve the strategy and that more detail was needed about how the strategy would be achieved.

We did

To respond to feedback from the engagement, the strategy will be developed in the following ways:

  • Greater explanation that the strategy is a system wide strategy (e.g., that it involves many different organisations including Local Authority, Health and Voluntary sector)
  • The Vision for the strategy will be further developed so it is less broad.
  • Greater detail about how the strategy will be achieved will be included in the Delivery Plan for the overall strategy.  The Delivery Plan will include objectives for each Priority Area. These objectives will include details about the organisation(s) responsible for achieving them and the timeframes for when work will take place. The Strategy Delivery Plan will be reviewed regularly (at least every six months) and updated annually.
  • Ensure the delivery objectives for Priority Areas link together e.g., the Priority Area for Diagnosis and Support after diagnosis link closely.
  • The Delivery Plan will need to consider equity of dementia services, especially geographically.
  • Although the overall priorities will not change, in each of the Priority Areas small changes will be made to ensure the wording is clearer or the objective is strengthened by adding in further information or clarification.
  • Greater reference to support for carers will be made across the strategy.
  • A statement about funding for the strategy and clarification about the organisation(s) that funds particular services will be included.
  • Clarify that, for several objectives, work is already underway and needs to be built upon.

The next steps will include:

  • Developing the strategy as described above.
  • Taking the revised strategy to several meetings and Boards to seek final approval to publish the strategy.
  • Taking the revised strategy to several key meetings and Boards (these will include a range of organisations such as NHS, local authorities, District and Borough Councils and voluntary sector) to ensure their support for the strategy.
  • Publish a draft Delivery Plan along with the final version of the Strategy

The aim is to publish the strategy in late Spring 2022.

Updates about the Strategy will be provided on Warwickshire's Living Well with Dementia website:

Results updated 20 May 2024

To read the engagement reports (one from the survey and one from the in-person engagement) please click on the files below:



The vision for Coventry and Warwickshire’s Living Well with Dementia Strategy 2022 - 2027 is that ‘everyone affected by dementia is enabled to live well’

Coventry and Warwickshire’s Living Well with Dementia Strategy 2022-2027 details the priorities that will help ensure that people with dementia, as well as their carers, receive the appropriate support, information, and advice along their journey with dementia. You can find the draft strategy at the bottom of this page in the 'Related Documents' section. The strategy will be supported by a delivery plan which will set out exactly what we will do over the next five years, to ensure that ‘everyone affected by dementia is enabled to live well’.  

We have developed the strategy based on a range of reviews, evidence and feedback, including the following:  

  • Review of progress of previous dementia strategies in Coventry and Warwickshire 
  • National guidance (including the Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, All Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia) 
  • Local evidence (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Alzheimer’s Society local dementia profiles, and other local strategies, e.g. Health and Wellbeing Strategy) 
  • Feedback from recent dementia specific and / or carer focussed engagement 
  • Recent feedback on dementia and carer services and support 
  • Review of dementia pathway 
  • Learning through COVID-19  

The strategy priorities are based on the Well Pathway for Dementia: 

NHS England Transformation Framework - The Well Pathway for Dementia. Preventing Well - risk of people developing dementia is minimised. Diagnosing Well - timely accurate diagnosis, care plan, and review within first year. Supporting Well - access to safe high quality health and social care for people with dementia and carers. Living Well - people with dementia can live normally in safe and accepting communities. Dying Well - people living with dementia die with dignity in the place of their choosing.

  • Priority One: Preventing Well (Reducing risk of developing dementia)
  • Priority Two: Diagnosing Well (Diagnosis of dementia and support straight after a diagnosis)
  • Priority Three: Supporting Well (Ongoing support for people with dementia and carers)
  • Priority Four: Living Well (Living well with dementia in dementia friendly communities)
  • Priority Five: Dying Well (Allowing people to die with dignity and respect)
  • Priority Six: Training Well (Training and awareness opportunities for carers and those working with people with dementia)

Our next step to shape the draft strategy further is to find out more about what you think of our proposals. Please read the information below and click on the survey link at the bottom of this page.

Why we are engaging

This engagement programme is a chance for people to have a say about the draft strategy, its visions and priorities and our proposed ways of working. By completing the survey, you can let us know if we are focussing on the right aspects.

How to take part

You can share your views in a number of ways:

  1. Complete the engagement survey below.
  2. If you would like to complete an easy read version of this survey please click on this link: Draft Dementia Strategy Easy Read Survey.
  3. You can feed back to us directly by emailing us at You can also request an alternative format or language in this way. 
  4. A range of opportunities to support people with dementia and their carers to shape the Dementia Strategy is being offered. This will include:
    • People with dementia and/or their carers can request 1-to-1 sessions. These are available virtually, by telephone or face-to-face.
    • A series of listening events (lasting approximately one and a half hours) will be offered virtually.
    • Visits to Dementia cafes / Patient Participation Groups or other small groups to talk to people attending on a 1-to-1 basis or in small groups.  

If you have dementia, are a carer of a person with dementia, or lead a dementia group and would like to find out more, or request support to get involved and share your views, please contact:

Making Space - if you live in Warwickshire

Tel: 01926 679207 Email:          

Coventry City Council - if you live in Coventry



  • Any area


  • Anyone from any background


  • Social care
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Disabilities
  • Mental health
  • Policies, plans and strategies
  • Adults and older people
  • Strategic commissioning
  • Engagement and surveys