Healthy Ageing in Warwickshire

Closed 17 Sep 2023

Opened 4 Aug 2023

Feedback updated 18 Jan 2024

We asked

The Healthy Ageing in Warwickshire survey was developed to support the Healthy Ageing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) by understanding the experiences of growing older in Warwickshire. It did this by seeking to understand:

  • what is important to people as they age.
  • what people think of their local area as a place to grow older.
  • experiences of access to health and care services.
  • experiences of attitudes to ageing/older people.

The survey was targeted at those aged 60 or more, although responses were allowed from people of any age.

You said

There were 440 responses to the survey. Below is a summary of key findings and messages relating to the 4 purpose statements above.

What is important to people as they age?

  • The top three highest scoring items for staying ‘healthier and happier’ were:
    • Spending time with friends or family.
    • Staying physical active.
    • Being able to do things independently.

What people think of their local area as a place to grow older.

  • Just over half of respondents rated their local area as either ‘excellent or good’ as a place to live. Around a third were neutral, with the rest being ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’.
  • Respondents were most likely to agree that their local area met their needs for social participation, and least likely for local infrastructure, transport, and housing.

Experiences of access to health and care services.

  • Most respondents agreed that they knew which health service to access and how to get in touch with them. They were least likely to agree that appointments were easy to travel to, could afford the cost of, or that services were ‘joined up’.
  • While there was praise for the healthcare services received by some respondents, many expressed concerns about the process of making appointments, getting to them and communication between different parts of the health and care system.
  • Fewer respondents had experienced care services. Overall, agreement scores were lower when compared to people’s experience of health services. Being able to comfortably meet the cost of care services was the least agreed with item.

Experiences of attitudes to ageing/older people.

  • Respondents were most likely to think other older people held positive views about them, followed by middle aged people while younger people were thought to have the least positive views. However, several respondents expressed a desire to do more intergenerationally, especially with younger people.
  • Community/faith groups were seen by respondents to hold the most positive views of older people when compared to other groups, with Employers and the media being perceived to hold the least positive views.

Cross cutting themes were evident from survey responses whether participants were being asked about their local area, experiences of health and care, services people would like to see, or their views on ageing in a healthier and happier way.

Transport and travel, access to health and social care, and wider support featured frequently. Additionally, issues relating to the design of local areas and infrastructure with older people in mind were evident.

While some welcomed new technology, others raised concerns about the risk of digital exclusion as more services and activities shift online.

A full engagement report can be accessed together with other supporting documents by clicking on the link below.
Healthy Ageing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) documents

We did

  • Themes and quotes from the survey have been included throughout the Healthy Ageing JSNA.
  • The last chapter of the JSNA, “Recognising strengths and tackling discrimination”, was written based on feedback from the survey and other engagement activities.
  • The feedback from the survey helped to inform and shape the recommendations set out in the JSNA, particularly:
    • Recommendation 2: We should explore options for Warwickshire to become an Age-Friendly Community, in line with World Health Organisation principles.
    • Recommendation 7: We need to continue work joining up services.
    • Recommendation 10: Organisations should consider signing up to the Age-friendly Employer pledge or otherwise review how ‘age-friendly’ they are for potential or current employees.
    • Recommendation 16: Services and commissioners should explore best practice to identify and support people who may be excluded, including via digital exclusion, and should ensure that impact assessments are routinely carried out when making changes to services to identify who might be disadvantaged and offer mitigations.
    • Recommendation 17: Everyone should be aware of the language and imagery they are using around ageing and older people.
    • Recommendation 18: We should consider intergenerational approaches when considering how to implement these recommendations.
    • Recommendation 20: Findings from the JSNA should be fed back to Housing and Transport colleagues and we should consider how we can continue to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of older people.
  • Having been approved for publication by the Health and Wellbeing Board on 10th January 2023, the Healthy Ageing JSNA, which includes the feedback from this survey, is now being shared and promoted with colleagues across the health and care sector to help inform decision making.

Click on this link for further information and to view the JSNA and related documents.

An action plan has been created around the recommendations from the JSNA, which the survey helped to inform, which is now being carried out.

Results updated 3 Jan 2024

The Healthy Ageing Needs Assessment will be considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board on 10 January 2024. Please click on the link below to view the report and supporting papers, including a report on feedback received.

Click on this link to view the reports.


We want to hear from you about your experiences of growing older in Warwickshire.  

Warwickshire County Council is working on a Healthy Ageing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). This is a piece of work that explores what older people in Warwickshire need to live longer, happier and healthier lives. It also considers the strengths that people and communities already have that support healthy ageing. 

Why your views matter

Knowing what people need, and where existing strengths are, will help us to make informed decisions about what services are available and how they are delivered. 

What is the purpose of this survey? 

This survey seeks to understand: 

  • what is important to you as you get older 
  • what you think about your local area as a place to grow older 
  • your experience of access to health and care services 
  • your experience of attitudes to ageing/older people.

Who should take part? 

We would particularly like to hear from anyone aged 60 and above who lives in Warwickshire. 

How to take part?

  • Complete our online survey by clicking on the link below.
  • You can also request a paper copy of the survey or an alternative format or language by email ( or by telephone (01926 731484).

What happens next

We will use the information provided to feed into the Healthy Ageing JSNA. Further information about JSNAs is available here:  

The Healthy Ageing JSNA is due to be published on the Warwickshire County Council website in early 2024.  

We will also be publishing a summary of themes from this healthy ageing survey on this Ask Warwickshire survey page.


  • All Areas


  • Older people
  • All Warwickshire residents


  • Health and wellbeing
  • Engagement and surveys