Getting West Nuneaton Moving: Bermuda Connection

Closed 18 Jun 2018

Opened 15 May 2018


Image of Bermuda Bridge  Traffic under Bermuda Bridge
This Scheme focuses on delivering additional highway capacity and improved connectivity through the creation of a new 1.3 mile highway link between West Nuneaton and Griff Roundabout by opening the existing Bermuda Bridge over the A444. The bridge was constructed in 1974 and designed to accommodate two-way traffic flow but currently only pedestrians and cyclists can access it.
The original version of this Scheme was put forward in Summer 2014 and received £3.702 million to start design concepts. It was agreed that there would be full consultation on the details of the proposals before any final decision on whether or not to implement the Scheme was taken.
The preliminary design proposals were consulted on in 2015 and outcomes reported to Warwickshire County Council Cabinet in November 2015.  Cabinet endorsed the Scheme being progressed to detailed design stage based on Option 1 which was the subject of the consultation, i.e. a Scheme including a wide range of additional components aimed at mitigating the impact on affected local residents. The 2015 consultation and associated reports are available via a link below.

Why your views matter

The detailed design stage identified that Option 1 would be cost-prohibitive and revisions were carried out to the Scheme. It is now closer to Option 2 in the November 2015 Cabinet Report, i.e. improving and opening Bermuda Bridge but less mitigation for local impacts along the route. Further details are available in the Information Leaflet and supporting documents at the bottom of this webpage. Please also see the Scheme website:  
Printed copies of the Information Leaflet are also available at Nuneaton Town Hall.
Due to the changes made we are consulting on details of the updated Scheme. Comments are welcome from anyone including local residents, road users, local businesses and stakeholders in the wider West Nuneaton area.
How to take part in this consultation
Please complete the online survey below.
You can request a paper copy or alternative version of this survey from Customer Services on 01926 410410 or by emailing
You can also respond in writing:
  • EMail:
  • Postal address: Bermuda Connection, Transport & Economy, Communities Group, PO Box 43, Barrack Street, Warwick CV34 4SX


Following the consultation a revised design was recommended to the Council by Cabinet. Warwickshire County Council approved the Bermuda Connectivity scheme in July 2018.

Click on this link to view the report considered by Cabinet. The background papers for this report can be viewed by clicking on this link.


  • Any area
  • District: Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough
  • Ward: Arbury Ward
  • Ward: Camp Hill Ward
  • Ward: Galley Common Ward
  • Ward: Hartshill Ward


  • Anyone from any background
  • Local residents
  • Businesses


  • Roads and travel
  • Transport and economy