10 results
Your Say on Community Safety Survey 2024
In Warwickshire, there are a range of organisations working together to keep you as safe as possible. These include local councils, Fire and Rescue, Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Probation Service, Health and charitable organisations, who work together to address and improve community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board. The Board aims to create safer communities and wants to understand current community safety issues and any concerns of... MoreClosed 4 August 2024 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Consultation on proposed service delivery model
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS) carries out fire and rescue functions on behalf of the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Authority, Warwickshire County Council (WCC). WFRS is consulting on a proposed change to its service delivery model as part of its Re sourcing to R isk approach. Resourcing to Risk aims to have the right resource, in the right place and at the right time, to keep people safe in their homes, their workplace, their environment and when... MoreClosed 10 March 2024 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Prevention Protection and Response Strategy 2022-2027 Consultation
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service’s (WFRS) Prevention, Protection and Response Strategy 2022-2027 sets out the Fire Authority’s mission for the next five years. It defines the priorities and the approach we take to ensure communities and individuals who choose to live, work, do business, study, or visit Warwickshire are safe. It also supports the Warwickshire County Council (WCC) outcomes and objectives as outlined in the Council Plan. WFRS is seeking your views on the... MoreClosed 25 September 2022 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service IRMP 2020 - 2025 Consultation
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service’s ( WFRS) Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2020 – 2025 , sets out the Fire Authority’s vision and priorities for the next five years. The IRMP 2020 – 2025 Summary document and accompanying video provide more information for you to consider. WFRS is seeking your views on our proposals, as outlined in our IRMP 2020 – 2025 Summary document, for delivering our services to ensure we support... MoreClosed 6 November 2020 -
Your Say on Community Safety
In Warwickshire a range of organisations including local Councils, Fire and Rescue, the Police, the Probation Service, Health and Third Sector organisations work together to address community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board. The Board aims to create safer communities and wants to understand what residents and businesses are currently concerned about in relation to community safety. By participating in this survey you will help to inform the Partnership Board... MoreClosed 28 June 2020 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Consultation on additional fire station in Rugby
Provide an additional fire station in Rugby in line with the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service ( WFRS) Asset Management Plan Development in the South West Rugby area will see significant employment provision, as well as several thousand new homes, built in the coming years. These developments will increase both the population and geographical area we serve from our existing fire station location which means it is likely we will see a decline in performance against our... MoreClosed 16 June 2019 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Early engagement: Nuneaton and North Warwickshire fire station locations
Exploring the options for new fire station locations within the Nuneaton and North Warwickshire area. The area profile across the north of Warwickshire is continually evolving with new housing, commercial and industrial developments and the resulting increase in both fire and road risk. Most of our fire stations were built some years ago, and as a result some may no longer be in an ideal location. As the demographics and risk profile in... MoreClosed 16 June 2019 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Integrated Risk Management Plan - Draft Action Plan 2019/20 Feedback
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Authority has a statutory duty under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, to prepare an Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP). As part of the IRMP process we regularly review and assess the full range of foreseeable risks impacting the communities of Warwickshire to ensure that we have the plans, people, processes and equipment in place to ensure that Warwickshire remains a safe place to live and work. The current IRMP sets... MoreClosed 16 June 2019 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service- Have your say!
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to keep Warwickshire safe. This is achieved in a number of ways; by fighting fires, attending road traffic collisions, rescuing people from floods, rescuing animals, working in schools and nurseries educating young people, carrying out Safe and Well checks for the most vulnerable members of our community, inspecting business premises, undertaking visual audits, advising local authorities on how to keep premises safe and... MoreClosed 29 April 2018 -
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue draft Integrated Risk Management Plan Consultation
Proposals within the draft IRMP 2017-20 include: Identifying further opportunities to develop collaborative working with neighbouring Fire and Rescue Service’s and West Mercia/Warwickshire police Maximising the flexibility and utility of our workforce Developing the use of emerging technology Using our capacity to improve wider community health and social care outcomes MoreClosed 9 February 2017
10 results.
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