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167 results

  • Neurodevelopmental Diagnostic Service and Support - survey for professionals working with people with neurodevelopmental traits, ASD and ADHD, and their parents/carers

    The above organisations are working together to address waiting times for a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment (Autism, and/or ADHD). This includes finding ways to reduce waiting times for an assessment and improve the support available to people who are waiting for an assessment. We want to understand whether professionals working with people with neurodevelopmental needs have access to the right training and resources to... More
    Opened 16 February 2021
  • Neurodevelopmental Diagnostic Service and Support - Survey for People Awaiting an ASD /ADHD Diagnosis and their Parents / Carers (Residing in Coventry and Warwickshire)

    We are seeking the views of people awaiting a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment (ASD and/or ADHD), as well as those of their families and carers to help us to design the best solutions to this challenge. The purpose of the survey is to understand more about: the reasons why you or your family member are seeking a diagnosis; what support would help you or your family member now while you are awaiting an assessment; and your... More
    Opened 5 February 2021
  • Local Transport Plan (LTP) - Key themes consultation

    Warwickshire County Council is in the process of updating the current Local Transport Plan (LTP), which is a document that sets out the transport needs, challenges, priorities and objectives for the county. An LTP sets policies to shape future transport schemes and developments within the County. It allows us, as the County Council, to channel resources to deliver a transport network that gives people who live and work in Warwickshire access to the facilities they... More
    Opened 21 January 2021
  • Community Provision (Working Age Adults with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Needs)

    If you have day support, support at home or overnight support and would like to complete an easy read survey please click on this link: Easy Read Customer Survey If you are a young person (or their family) and would like to complete an easy read survey to tell us what you would like services to offer in the future please click on this link: Easy Read: Young Person Survey- Community Provision Commissioners are currently reviewing community services in Warwickshire for... More
    Opened 30 November 2020
  • A46 Strategic Link Road Consultation

    These are exciting times for Coventry and Warwickshire, with an economy which has continuing potential for growth, top-class Universities and expanding communities all generating demand for travel across the area. In order to be able to help meet the needs of people wanting to travel, we want to share our plans for a new transport corridor between the A46 Stoneleigh Junction, University of Warwick and Westwood Heath in Coventry. Plans are still in the early stages, with... More
    Opened 30 November 2020
  • Living Well in Warwickshire - Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020-25

    The Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board is committed to helping people be as well as possible. The Board (comprised of public and voluntary sector representatives from health and care, councils, the NHS and wider partners) helps to ensure people have access to information and services to enable them to make positive choices about their health. The Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out the Board’s ambitions and approach to make sure support is effective and available where it is most... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • Draft Countywide Homelessness Strategy

    Warwickshire County Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Rugby Borough Council, Warwick District Council and Stratford on Avon District Council recognise the importance of tackling and preventing homelessness in Warwickshire. The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 came in to force on 3 April 2018. It introduced fundamental changes to how Local Authorities assess and assist homeless applicants. The intention of the Act is to give a greater... More
    Opened 5 October 2020
  • Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service IRMP 2020 - 2025 Consultation

    Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service’s ( WFRS) Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2020 – 2025 , sets out the Fire Authority’s vision and priorities for the next five years. The IRMP 2020 – 2025 Summary document and accompanying video provide more information for you to consider. WFRS is seeking your views on our proposals, as outlined in our IRMP 2020 – 2025 Summary document, for delivering our services to ensure we support... More
    Opened 14 September 2020
  • Your Say on Community Safety

    In Warwickshire a range of organisations including local Councils, Fire and Rescue, the Police, the Probation Service, Health and Third Sector organisations work together to address community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board. The Board aims to create safer communities and wants to understand what residents and businesses are currently concerned about in relation to community safety. By participating in this survey you will help to inform the Partnership Board... More
    Opened 21 February 2020
  • Voluntary and Community Sector Delivery Plan

    Warwickshire is fortunate to have a strong and vibrant Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). Over the years, Warwickshire County Council has invested significant resources into developing its relationships with the VCS and working with it to achieve Warwickshire County Council's strategic objectives. As demand for services increases and resources continue to be constrained, this approach becomes ever more important and the need for a clear and coherent strategy for working with the sector is... More
    Opened 11 November 2019
  • Council Plan 2025 - Engagement questionnaire

    As a county council we want Warwickshire to be the best it can be, sustainable now and for future generations. Our county, with its vibrant mix of towns and rural areas, heritage and culture, businesses of all sizes and great connectivity is brimming with opportunities, but our world is also facing significant challenges. We want your views about how to build on our many strengths to make Warwickshire the best it can be, sustainable now and for future generations. Our... More
    Opened 23 September 2019
  • Warwickshire Cyber Crime Survey 2019

    Welcome to the third Warwickshire cyber crime survey, carried out by Warwickshire County Council in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The last survey, conducted in 2017, found that an estimated £8,848,300 had been lost by Warwickshire adults as a result of cyber crime. Since this survey, Warwickshire has increased its response to cyber crime. Highlights include: The development of the Cyber Safe Warwickshire... More
    Opened 15 August 2019
  • Consultation on draft Warwickshire Rail Strategy 2019-2034

    Rail services in Warwickshire make a significant contribution to the local economy, business and local communities, helping to make Warwickshire an attractive place in which to live and work. The County Council has an excellent track record in delivering rail infrastructure and helping to improve services. Warwickshire intends to continue this support and investment in the local rail network to help improve wider connectivity, contribute to the delivery of housing and... More
    Opened 27 July 2019
  • Consultation on proposed changes to on-street parking

    Warwickshire County Council Parking Management is carrying out a consultation on proposed changes to on-street parking. This consultation covers the cost of residents permits and how permitting will be managed in the future. More
    Opened 22 July 2019
  • Consultation - Warwickshire Careers Strategy 2019/20 - 2024/25

    Warwickshire County Council recognises the importance of careers advice and employability skills, and has invested over a number of years in our Skills for Employment programme to support schools, colleges and employers to work more closely together. Following the publication of the National Careers Strategy in 2017, we have identified the opportunity to develop a more localised Careers Strategy for Warwickshire, which is focussed on the key opportunities and challenges that exist within... More
    Opened 19 June 2019
  • Survey for parents/carers of children and young people with SEND attending independent specialist schools and colleges

    What is this about? Warwickshire County Council wants to continue to improve our support for children and young people attending independent specialist schools and colleges. We are keen to understand your experience and views to ensure the best outcomes for children; the quality of education and support; and value for money. We want your help to get this right by telling us about what works well and what could be done differently in the future. This will ensure we... More
    Opened 12 June 2019
  • Accommodation With Support (Care Homes) Services

    Warwickshire County Council, together with its partners NHS South Warwickshire CCG and NHS Warwickshire North CCG, is reviewing the Accommodation With Support Services that it commissions. Accommodation With Support Services are care home (with or without nursing) services for adults aged 18 years and over who have high support needs; and older people aged 65 years and over; and those who require accommodation with personal and/or nursing care. The... More
    Opened 29 May 2019
  • Consultation on Policy MCS 10 – Underground Coal Gasification, Warwickshire Minerals Plan 2018

    The County Council is consulting on strategic policy MCS 10 - Underground Coal Gasification, which was unintentionally omitted from the public consultation on the countywide Minerals Plan from 31st October 2018 to 12th December 2018. This is a further consultation and is the final public consultation before the Minerals Plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in public. The focus is on whether Policy MCS 10 is sound and legally compliant. What is the... More
    Opened 28 May 2019
  • Mental Health Telephone Helpline & Webchat Survey 2019

    The Better Health, Better Care, Better Value Partnership are leading a review of the Mental Health Telephone Helpline and Webchat for Coventry and Warwickshire (the service is currently provided by Mental Health Matters). As part of this review we want to hear from a wide range of people about what they feel is important about the service, including what is working well and what could be improved. You can provide feedback whether or not you have actually used the... More
    Opened 7 May 2019
  • Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Integrated Risk Management Plan - Draft Action Plan 2019/20 Feedback

    Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Authority has a statutory duty under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, to prepare an Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP). As part of the IRMP process we regularly review and assess the full range of foreseeable risks impacting the communities of Warwickshire to ensure that we have the plans, people, processes and equipment in place to ensure that Warwickshire remains a safe place to live and work. The current IRMP sets... More
    Opened 6 May 2019
  • Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Early engagement: Nuneaton and North Warwickshire fire station locations

    Exploring the options for new fire station locations within the Nuneaton and North Warwickshire area. The area profile across the north of Warwickshire is continually evolving with new housing, commercial and industrial developments and the resulting increase in both fire and road risk. Most of our fire stations were built some years ago, and as a result some may no longer be in an ideal location. As the demographics and risk profile in... More
    Opened 6 May 2019
  • Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Consultation on additional fire station in Rugby

    Provide an additional fire station in Rugby in line with the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service ( WFRS) Asset Management Plan Development in the South West Rugby area will see significant employment provision, as well as several thousand new homes, built in the coming years. These developments will increase both the population and geographical area we serve from our existing fire station location which means it is likely we will see a decline in performance against our... More
    Opened 6 May 2019
  • Change of Age Range at Northlands Primary School

    This consultation is being undertaken to advise you of proposals concerning Northlands Primary School, and to invite you to tell us what you think of the proposals. This is part of a statutory consultation process that Warwickshire County Council is managing in partnership with the school’s Governing Body. The proposal is: To change the age range at Northlands Primary School from 3 - 11 to 4 - 11 from September 2019. The published admission number (PAN) for the main... More
    Opened 3 May 2019
  • Warwickshire Living Well with Dementia Survey 2019

    The Better Health, Better Care, Better Value Partnership is reviewing our local ‘Living Well with Dementia’ Strategy and the services and support available to people with dementia, their carers and families. As part of this review we want to hear from a wide range of people about what they feel is important about access to services and support, what is working well and what could be improved. This information will help us to develop local dementia services and support... More
    Opened 11 February 2019
  • Young Carers Support Services

    The vision for Warwickshire is for all young carers in our area to be recognised and valued, and services to be in place to assist them in their caring role. We aim to do this by providing a wide range of services including information, advice, training, emotional support and advocacy. Because public money pays for some of these services we have a responsibility to regularly review whether we are providing the best support for the money available. This survey aims to... More
    Opened 3 February 2019
  • Change of Age Range at Newdigate Primary and Nursery School

    This consultation is being undertaken to advise you of proposals concerning Newdigate Primary School, and to invite you to tell us what you think of the proposals. This is part of a statutory consultation process that Warwickshire County Council is managing in partnership with the school’s Governing Body. The proposed changes are related to changes at national level, with many families now entitled to 30 hours per week of funded early education, instead of the 15 hours... More
    Opened 28 January 2019
  • Review of Day Opportunities Services for adults with a learning and/or physical disability

    Warwickshire County Council is reviewing the current Day Opportunities Services for adults with a learning and/or physical disability to find out if services are meeting the needs of those that are using them and their relatives/carers. As part of this review we are seeking the views of people that use these services, their families and carers as well as the wider public who wish to contribute their thoughts on how well services are working. What Day Opportunites Services does... More
    Opened 24 January 2019
  • Review of Respite Services for adults with a learning and/or physical disability

    Warwickshire County Council is reviewing the current Respite Services for adults with a learning and/or physical disability to find out if services are meeting the needs of those that are using them and their relatives/carers. As part of this review we are seeking the views of people that use these services, their families and carers as well as the wider public who wish to contribute their thoughts on how well services are working. What respite services does Warwickshire County Council... More
    Opened 24 January 2019
  • Warwickshire 2020 entry School Admission Arrangements

    Warwickshire County Council is required to operate a coordinated admissions scheme. This allows Warwickshire residents to make a single application for places at their preferred school(s) and receive a single offer of a school place, whether or not this is one of their preference schools. Warwickshire County Council is about to commence a consultation period relating to our admission arrangements for the 2020/21 academic year. As required by the School Admissions Code... More
    Opened 29 November 2018
  • SEND and Inclusion Strategy Consultation

    It is time to update the Warwickshire County Council Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) & Inclusion Strategy so that it reflects current challenges. An overarching vision for education in Warwickshire has recently been set out in the Education Strategy, approved by the Council. The SEND & Inclusion Strategy will have one uniting and overarching purpose: to improve educational outcomes, and thus the life chances, of learners with SEND in... More
    Opened 12 November 2018
167 results. Page 4 of 6