Have your say on plans for Rugby Parkway Station

Closed 20 Feb 2023

Opened 23 Jan 2023

Feedback updated 20 Jun 2023

We asked

Warwickshire County Council with the support of the rail industry is bringing forward plans for Rugby Parkway Station, located approximately 5km South East of Rugby adjacent to the A428 Crick Road at Houlton. Situated on the Northampton Loop of the West Coast Mainline between Rugby Station and Long Buckby Station. Rugby Parkway Station will offer access to the local and national rail network with two trains per hour in each direction.

An application for outline planning permission for Rugby Parkway Station has been submitted; you can view the application on Warwickshire County Council’s planning pages: https://planning.warwickshire.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/WCHVARYLOGIN.display

Prior to the submission of the planning application, Warwickshire County Council undertook a four-week pre-planning public engagement exercise which ran from 23 January 2023 to 20 February 2023. The engagement provided an opportunity for residents, businesses and other stakeholders to find out more about the station project and have their say at an early stage of the design development.

You said

Warwickshire County Council received 388 written responses either through the online Response Form, by e-mail or paper form completed at the drop-in engagement events. Responses received via e-mail or completed on paper copies of the Response Form were manually uploaded to be captured for analysis and reporting purposes.

A significant proportion of respondents (265 – 68%) indicated that they lived in Rugby Borough, 39 lived elsewhere and commute to/via Rugby (10%), 35 lived elsewhere (9%) and the remainder of respondents lived in neighbouring areas/counties.

Consultees were asked to indicate their level of support for the proposals presented. 229 respondents strongly agree/agree with the proposals (59%), 106 strongly disagree/disagree (27%), the remaining respondents are neutral or did not express an opinion.

Responses have been carefully considered by the project team and a report has been produced. Please click on this link to view this.

We did

At this phase of the project development the design of the station is at a very early stage. The submitted application seeks outline planning permission with all matters reserved, except for access to the highway network. All matters other than access to the site from the highway network will be the subject of a subsequent application for reserved matters approval. The reserved matters include the appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale. The plans presented for the public engagement were developed in line with rail industry standards for a station of this type. Much of the detail will be the subject of planning conditions set by the local planning authority, these will need to be discharged by the local planning authority prior to construction/installation.

What happens next

An application for outline planning permission for the station has been submitted to Warwickshire County Council. As at May 2023 a statutory consultation process is underway which will allow residents, businesses and other stakeholders a further opportunity to comment on the proposals prior to determination. You can find view and comment on the application by visiting Warwickshire County Council’s planning pages during the statutory consultation period - https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/commentingonplanning

A Statement of Community Engagement has been submitted as part of the planning application, this describes in more detail the public engagement process and the feedback received.

Future updates on Rugby Parkway Station will continue to be posted to the project’s web page at: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/major-transport-construction-projects/rugby-parkway-station


Artist impression of station

Warwickshire County Council is developing plans for a second railway station for Rugby.

Rugby Parkway Station will revitalise the rail experience for the people of Rugby and beyond by providing a new access to the local and national railway network and support Rugby’s growing population and business community.

About Rugby Parkway Station 

Rugby Parkway Station will be located approximately 5km South East of Rugby on the Northampton Loop of the West Coast Main Line. The station will be accessed from the A428 Crick Road.

The site for the proposed station was identifi­ed and allocated for the purpose of a new railway station in Rugby Borough Council’s Local Plan 2011-2031.

Whilst the plans for Rugby Parkway Station are at an early stage, we expect the station to include:

  • New highway access through creation of a fourth arm to the existing signalised junction on Crick Road;
  • Parking for up to 325 vehicles with allocated parking bays for blue badge holders and EV (electric vehicle) charging points. The exact number of spaces will be informed by ongoing passenger demand modelling and Rugby Borough Council’s Local Plan parking standards;
  • Secure cycle stands for station users, with the number informed by passenger demand modelling and cycle parking standards;
  • Two platforms with step free access via a footbridge and ramps and/or lifts. The station will be fully accessible to people with reduced mobility and other access requirements;
  • Shelters and seating along the platforms, exact number and position to be confirmed;
  • Passenger drop off/pick up;
  • Taxis drop off/pick up;
  • Provision of bus stop;
  • Audio frequency induction loops for station announcements;
  • Ticket purchasing facilities and real time passenger information boards;
  • CCTV cameras.

Current timetable modelling allows for two trains per hour in each direction travelling from Birmingham New Street to London Euston and London Euston to Birmingham New Street. These services will also call at Rugby Station.

Why we are engaging

Warwickshire County Council is undertaking a public engagement ahead of the submission of an application for outline planning permission.

The plans for the station are at an early stage of development; the information provided describes those elements which are known. Your views on the proposals presented really matter and will help to shape the project as it is bought forward.

Once this engagement has closed, Warwickshire County Council will review and consider all the feedback received and a summary will be added to this page.

Further information

Two drop-in public information events are being held where you can find out more about Rugby Parkway Station and speak to the project team:

  • 3 February 2023 2pm to 7pm at The Barn at Houlton, Dollman Road, Houlton, Rugby CV23 1AL
  • 4 February 2023 9am to 2pm at Rugby Central Shopping Centre, (outside Wilko), Market Mall, Rugby CV21 2JR

The following supporting documents are available at the bottom of this webpage.

  • A copy of an Information Leaflet providing details about the Rugby Parkway Station proposals and how to have your say.
  • A Frequently Asked Questions prepared by the project team.
  • An artist’s impression of the station
  • An indicative plan view of the station layout
  • Project display boards

How to have your say

Where possible please submit feedback using the online survey link below.

You can also feedback directly by emailing rugbyparkway@warwickshire.gov.uk or writing to Rugby Parkway Engagement, Customer Service Centre, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick CV34 4RL.

If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the online feedback form or you require a copy of this in an alternative format or different language, please email rugbyparkway@warwickshire.gov.uk or telephone Warwickshire County Council’s Customer Services 01926 410410.

Warwickshire County Council is not able to respond to comments and feedback on an individual basis but would like to assure that all feedback is valuable and will be considered as part of the development of the designs and proposals

All feedback must be submitted by 11:59pm on 20 February 2023.

What next?

An application for outline planning permission for Rugby Parkway Station is expected to be submitted later this year. As part of the planning application a Statement of Community Engagement will describe the public engagement process and where feedback from the local community, businesses and stakeholders has informed the proposals submitted.

There will be a further opportunity to provide feedback on the application for outline planning permission once it has been submitted, this consultation will be undertaken by the Local Planning Authority, Warwickshire County Council.

What happens next

This engagement has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to feed back. Unfortunately, Warwickshire County Council is not able to respond to comments and feedback on an individual basis but would like to assure that all feedback is valuable and will be considered as part of the development of the designs and proposals for Rugby Parkway Railway Station.  

Warwickshire County Council will review and consider all the feedback received and a summary will be added to this page.

An application for outline planning permission for Rugby Parkway Station is expected to be submitted later this year. As part of the planning application a Statement of Community Engagement will describe the public engagement process and where feedback from the local community, businesses and stakeholders has informed the proposals submitted.

There will be a further opportunity to provide feedback on the application for outline planning permission once it has been submitted, this consultation will be undertaken by the Local Planning Authority, Warwickshire County Council.



  • District: Rugby Borough


  • Anyone from any background


  • Roads and travel
  • Engagement and surveys