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167 results

  • SEND Service offer / SEND Home to School Transport Consultations

    Warwickshire County Council is consulting on two areas relating to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We welcome all views and feedback and have extended the consultation for an extra two weeks to give you more time to have your say. The consultations will now close on Sunday 12 March 2023. You can respond to just one or both consultations. See below for detailed information including an... More
    Closed 12 March 2023
  • Easy Read (online survey) - SEND Home to School Transport Consultation

    Our ideas to make SEND home to school transport better We want to know what you think Introduction Do you know? Children and young people with SEND can get help to get to school or college. SEND stands for special educational needs and disabilities. We have been talking with children, young people and their families to see what they think about the help they get with... More
    Closed 12 March 2023
  • Easy Read (online survey) - SEND Service offer Consultation

    Changes to support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities What do you think? Introduction We are proposing changes to the SEND support offered to education settings in Warwickshire. SEND stands for special educational needs and disabilities. We think there needs to be changes to SEND support in Warwickshire in education settings.... More
    Closed 12 March 2023
  • Neurodevelopmental Diagnostic Service and Support - survey for professionals working with people with neurodevelopmental traits, ASD and ADHD, and their parents/carers

    Health and local authority care services are working together for Coventry and Warwickshire to address waiting times for a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment (Autism, and/or ADHD). This includes finding ways to reduce waiting times for an assessment and improve the support available to people who are waiting for an assessment. We want to understand whether professionals working with people with neurodevelopmental conditions are aware of the diagnostic process and have ... More
    Closed 12 March 2023
  • Neurodevelopmental Diagnostic Service and Support - Survey for People Awaiting an ASD /ADHD Diagnosis and their Parents / Carers (Residing in Coventry and Warwickshire)

    Health and local authority care services are working together for Coventry and Warwickshire to address waiting times for a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment (Autism, and/or ADHD). This includes finding ways to reduce waiting times for an assessment and improve the support available to people who are waiting for an assessment. We are seeking the views of people awaiting a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment, as well as those of their families and carers to help us... More
    Closed 12 March 2023
  • Practice Observation - Children and Families

    Practice Observations help to improve the service that we offer to children and their families, making sure we are getting it right. Observing practice provides an opportunity to celebrate what we are doing well and to understand individual and organisational development needs. A practice observation should be seen as a learning opportunity. Practice observations can take place in a range of settings such as supervision, learning activity, visits and meetings. More
    Opened 25 April 2023
  • Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Abbey CofE Infant School

    In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of specialist resourced provision across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. Warwickshire County Council is proposing to establish education provision for children with special educational needs in the form... More
    Closed 24 May 2023
  • Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at Goodyers End Primary School

    In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of specialist resourced provision across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. Warwickshire County Council is proposing to establish education provision for children with special educational needs in the form... More
    Closed 24 May 2023
  • Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at St Andrew's Benn CofE Primary School

    In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of specialist resourced provision across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. Warwickshire County Council is proposing to establish education provision for children with special educational needs in the form... More
    Closed 24 May 2023
  • Voice of Warwickshire - Register your interest 2023/ 2024

    Recruitment for our residents' panel 'Voice of Warwickshire' is open. As a panel member you will have the opportunity to share your views on big issues in Warwickshire, like health and wellbeing, climate change and sustainability, community safety, education, transport, economic growth, inequalities and inclusion, and more. If you take part, you will be helping us to deliver the Council Plan and contribute to the development of policies and strategies by sharing your views on the big... More
    Closed 29 May 2023
  • Consultation on the Proposal to Establish Specialist Resourced Provision at St Matthew's Bloxam CE Primary School

    In order to meet forecast demand and build on the local offer of specialist provision, the local authority is continuing the development of specialist resourced provision across the county whereby pupils, who are able to access a mainstream curriculum, can have their needs met and benefit from being located within a mainstream school environment. Warwickshire County Council is proposing to establish education provision for children with special educational needs in the form... More
    Closed 6 June 2023
  • Change of Age Range at Brownsover Community School

    This consultation is being undertaken to advise you of proposals concerning Brownsover Community School, and to invite you to tell us what you think of the proposals. This is part of a statutory consultation process that Warwickshire County Council is managing in partnership with the school’s Governing Body. The proposal is: To change the age range at Brownsover Community School from 3 - 7 to 4 - 7 from September 2023. The published admission number (PAN) for the main... More
    Closed 2 July 2023
  • Change of Age Range at Long Lawford Primary School

    This consultation is being undertaken to advise you of proposals concerning Long Lawford Primary School, and to invite you to tell us what you think of the proposals. This is part of a statutory consultation process that Warwickshire County Council is managing in partnership with the school’s Governing Body. The proposal is: To change the age range at Long Lawford Primary School from 3 - 11 to 4 - 11 from September 2023. The published admission number (PAN) for the main... More
    Closed 2 July 2023
  • Change of Age Range at Nursery Hill Primary School

    This consultation is being undertaken to advise you of proposals concerning Nursery Hill Primary School, and to invite you to tell us what you think of the proposals. This is part of a statutory consultation process that Warwickshire County Council is managing in partnership with the school’s Governing Body. The proposal is: To change the age range at Nursery Hill Primary School from 3 - 11 to 4 - 11 from September 2023. The published admission number (PAN) for the main... More
    Closed 2 July 2023
  • Palliative and End of Life Strategy Engagement

    The draft Coventry and Warwickshire Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy has been developed with people from Coventry and Warwickshire and those who run health and social care services, however we want to ensure we hear from as many local people and groups as possible to ensure we reflect the needs of our local people. This Strategy is an overview of how health and social care will work together with our communities across Coventry and Warwickshire to improve the lives of... More
    Closed 14 July 2023
  • Education Strategy 2024-2030

    The Education Strategy sets out how Warwickshire County Council will work with learners (children, young people and adults), their educators, parents and carers, communities, and other agencies to ensure all learners can reach their full potential. We are currently reviewing the existing strategy, and would like to get your views on whether our proposed principles and priorities are the right ones to include within the refreshed strategy. The development of the Education Strategy... More
    Closed 30 July 2023
  • Warwickshire’s Strategic Economic Plan

    We are currently developing a strategic economic plan for Warwickshire. This plan seeks to bring all our partners together to create a future of inclusive and sustainable growth across our County, one where all residents can benefit, and the environment is protected. ​This will be underpinned by our ambitious, productive and vibrant local economy where we focus on investing in our many assets and strengths. ​ To inform this plan we would like to hear the views of residents and... More
    Closed 30 July 2023
  • Redesign of Housing Related Support Services

    We want to know your views on the redesign of Housing Related Support Services in Warwickshire. The proposed redesigned support services will be different from what is provided currently. The proposals will have an impact on many people accessing support services both now and in the future. We wish to hear everyone’s views on the proposed changes, including people that use these services or may use them in the future, so that we can work together to re-shape support services. ... More
    Closed 11 August 2023
  • Healthy Ageing in Warwickshire

    We want to hear from you about your experiences of growing older in Warwickshire. Warwickshire County Council is working on a Healthy Ageing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). This is a piece of work that explores what older people in Warwickshire need to live longer, happier and healthier lives. It also considers the strengths that people and communities already have that support healthy ageing. More
    Closed 17 September 2023
  • Health Visiting Partnership Consultation

    We want to hear your views on a proposal to enter into a partnership agreement (known as a Section 75 agreement) for the 0-5 Public Health Nursing service (Health Visiting). Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and South Warwickshire University Foundation Trust (SWFT) are consulting on a proposal to enter into a formal partnership arrangement around the future delivery of the 0-5 Public Health Nursing service (Health Visiting). The two organisations want to... More
    Closed 30 September 2023
  • Consultation on the proposal to increase the capacity and establish specialist resourced provision at St John's Primary School

    Warwickshire County Council is proposing to increase capacity and establish specialist resourced provision at St John's Primary School, Kenilworth. If approved the provision would be implemented from September 2024. The proposal is outlined as follows: To increase the capacity of St John’s Primary School by 210 pupils. This would mean St John’s Primary School would move from a one form entry (1FE) primary school (210 pupils) to a two form entry (2FE) primary... More
    Closed 29 October 2023
  • "Voices of Tomorrow" Youth Conference

    We invite everyone to join us in supporting the "Voices of Tomorrow" youth conference. This event organised by young people, for young people, will offer a friendly and empowering environment where young people (aged between 11 and 17, up to 25 for SEND) and local organisations will come together to amplify the voices of tomorrow to help shape the county. Hosted at Warwick University's Panorama Suites on Friday November 3, 2023, this conference offers workshops, discussions, and... More
    Closed 3 November 2023
  • Suicide Bereavement Service Survey

    Coventry and Warwickshire currently commission a suicide bereavement service, Amparo. Amparo provides emotional and practical support for anybody who has felt the impact of suicide through: Support with coronial process e.g. inquest, police investigation Support with benefits and entitlements e.g. probate, closing accounts Emotional and psychological support e.g. advocacy and support around communicating with family and... More
    Closed 30 November 2023
  • Parent/Carer Survey - Short Breaks and Respite for children and young people aged up to 18 years old.

    Children's Short Breaks and Respite Support Engagement Warwickshire County Council provide a range of commissioned short break and respite services for children and young people (aged up to 18 years of age) with a disability; autistic children; or those children who have additional support needs, and their families. The aim of short break and respite services is to enable children to have fun and take part in activities and social opportunities whilst giving... More
    Closed 17 December 2023
  • Empowering Futures JSNA Survey - Supporting children and young people with their physical health

    We want to hear from you if you work or volunteer with children and young people. We want to know how you feel about talking to children and young people (aged 5-18) about their physical health, your knowledge and experience of services, and what would help you support them. As well as broader public health priorities and activities, we aim for this survey to specifically inform: The Empowering Futures: Growing Up Well in Warwickshire Joint Strategic Needs... More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • School Admission Arrangements 2025/26

    Warwickshire County Council is required to operate a coordinated admissions scheme. This allows Warwickshire residents to make a single application for places at their preferred school(s) and receive a single offer of a school place, whether or not this is one of their preference schools. Warwickshire County Council is undertaking a consultation relating to our admission arrangements for the 2025/26 academic year. As required by the School Admissions Code (2021),... More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Warwickshire County Council Recycling Centre Survey

    At Warwickshire County Council we want to know what you think about our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) and the services that are offered at them. The County Council is responsible for the operation of nine recycling centres in Warwickshire (see ). The centres provide householders with a place to donate and buy reusable items, recycle a wide range of materials and dispose of waste. There are questions about the reuse shops and the... More
    Closed 4 February 2024
  • Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service - Consultation on proposed service delivery model

    Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS) carries out fire and rescue functions on behalf of the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Authority, Warwickshire County Council (WCC). WFRS is consulting on a proposed change to its service delivery model as part of its Re sourcing to R isk approach. Resourcing to Risk aims to have the right resource, in the right place and at the right time, to keep people safe in their homes, their workplace, their environment and when... More
    Closed 10 March 2024
  • A426/A4071 Avon Mill and Hunters Lane Improvement Scheme, Rugby

    Warwickshire County Council is inviting feedback on proposals for a transport scheme to improve the A426 / A4071 Newbold Road at the Avon Mill roundabout and Hunters Lane junction in Rugby. The proposed scheme is designed to reduce congestion at this key bottleneck in the road network and give people greater choice over how they travel. About the scheme The A426/A4071 Avon Mill and Hunters Lane Improvement Scheme is located to the north of Rugby town centre on the... More
    Closed 20 March 2024
  • Consultation on the proposal to relocate and increase the capacity of Lighthorne Heath Primary School and to establish specialist resourced provision

    Warwickshire County Council is proposing to relocate Lighthorne Heath Primary School to a new site, increase capacity and establish specialist resourced provision. If approved the provision would be implemented from Autumn 2025. The proposal is outlined as follows: To relocate Lighthorne Heath Primary School to a new site on a nearby housing development and increase the capacity by 329 pupils. This would mean Lighthorne Heath Primary School would move from a half... More
    Closed 22 March 2024
167 results. Page 5 of 6